This is my take on town news…the facts are there and so is the opinion and I trust the intelligence of the reader to figure out the difference.
Fort Jones City Council met in their regular session on January 8, 2024.
Not many citizens attended but the general mood of the council and those in attendance was upbeat. I attribute the lighter mood to our new Admin/Clerk, Josh Stanshaw who (A) shows up and (B) appears to know stuff.
Public Comments: Cookie Hunt offered to re-string the Christmas decorations for next year. Thank you Cookie!
Most of the department reports were written and submitted and the council seemed happy with the contents.
Mr. Stanshaw reported on the CDGB mess, our new Accounting Clerk, Cherie Stephen is tasked with bringing that beast in line. Good luck Cherie!
The council voted to accept the consent calendar—always a relief. Some day I’ll actually understand what “consent calendar” means. No, don’t educate me. I’m sure it will be revealed in the fullness of time.
Discussion/report: The Fire Department requests new turnouts. Turnouts have an approx. 10 year shelf life and are due to be replaced this year. They cost about $1500 each.
Discussion/review/act on Contribution to Spay/Neuter clinic which occurred last October. The volunteers who planned and administered the clinic did a great service to the community relying on donations to defray costs. The town under the stranglehold of administrator/carpetbagger Adam Cox, did not contribute to the clinic because the council had no idea if there was any money to do so. New town Administrator/Clerk Stanshaw assured the council that there was money to make a decent contribution.
Town Council–some more enthusiastic than others–voted to donate $1500 to the clinic to help retire the debt.
There was a closed session..who knows what goes on in closed session but I did smell BBQ. Hmm…. Check with the minutes if you are interested…minutes should be posted on the town website.
Special Council Meeting on Friday, Jan. 26 2024
No public comments.
Closed Session: Public Employee Performance Evaluation for Fire Chief and Accounting Clerk; I have no idea what was done in closed session.
Discussion/reports: Action Items: There was/is a review of the town’s Fee Schedule which community members should be aware of. For years the town has not uniformly enforced fees and fines, Fort Jones is currently reviewing fees/fines and evaluating how to implement them fairly. If your community group has been used to using a town facility for free, those days are over (and rightly so.) The hope is that the town can come up with a friendly fee schedule which will allow for nonprofit and community building groups to use town facilities for an affordable price. If this is of concern to you, pay attention and get involved in the process.
Also the town is reviewing the library use MOU with the county. This is a sticky process and rumors fly. Don’t just “I heard this and that” all over the place, go to the meetings and hear for yourself. It would be helpful if the library board could release an actual factual update of the process to quell the rumor mill.
Next scheduled board meeting is Feb. 12 at 7pm. Check the town website frequently for those unscheduled meetings. A lot gets decided and done at those unscheduled meetings so watch for them.
Madeleine DeAndreis-Ayres
- Obituary: Olive Irene BrownOlive Irene Brown was a lifelong resident of Siskiyou County. She passed away peacefully at her home in Yreka on February 9, 2025, at the age of 90. Olive was born July 1st, 1934, up Hurds Gulch in Scott Valley to Marion and Ruby Simmons. Along with younger sister Evelyn, they lived in Scott Valley… Read more: Obituary: Olive Irene Brown
- Obituary: Paulette Renee AdamsAmazingly brilliant, beautiful, funny, compassionate, and fiercely devoted—these are just a few words that come to mind when remembering Paulette Renee Adams, a longtime Siskiyou County resident who passed away peacefully on Friday, January 31, 2025, after a courageous battle with liver cancer. Paulette was born on August 9, 1953, in Oakdale, California, to Roland… Read more: Obituary: Paulette Renee Adams
- Restoring Our Waters, Strengthening Our Community: 2025 Scott Watershed Informational ForumFebruary 19-21, 2025 Scott Valley, California Please join at 11236 N. Hwy. 3, Fort Jones, click here for directions Join diverse voices from across our region for three transformative days of dialogue, learning, and action at the Scott Watershed Informational Forum (SWIF). This annual gathering brings together tribal knowledge keepers, agricultural producers, environmental scientists, and… Read more: Restoring Our Waters, Strengthening Our Community: 2025 Scott Watershed Informational Forum
- Northstate Youth Protect Los Angeles Waterways from Post-Fire ContaminationThe California Conservation Corps has local youth from Northstate responding as part of the state’s largest watershed protection mission. By Chris Van Horne Parker Robertson, a young adult from the Northstate, is part of a massive response to protect the burned areas of Los Angeles from taking another hit. This time from winter storms. “Watershed… Read more: Northstate Youth Protect Los Angeles Waterways from Post-Fire Contamination
- Fairchild MC Announces New Technology – working towards the goalBY, Michael MaddenAssistant AdministratorFairchild Medical Center Fairchild Medical Center attended a neonatal resuscitation training in January and was instructed on Fairchild’s new laryngoscope equipped with a screen. The team above, led by Maria Foster, Assistant Manager of OB, are all working towards the goal of delivering excellent maternal and neonatal services. Fairchild also received training… Read more: Fairchild MC Announces New Technology – working towards the goal
I just discovered this comprehensive, user-friendly summary of Ft. Jones business. Thanks, Madeleinge DeAndries-Ayres, for your service!
Why was I searching? To find out when the Ft. Jones Clean-up Day was. That day when all kinds of waste that won’t fit in my garbage can is allowed to appear in the town and be whisked away by large trucks. Alas, that info was not included in Ayres’ otherwise excellent review.