Authors Name ‘Withheld’
Just my 2 cents.
So tired of hearing things like “culture war” “cultural burning”
We all know Europeans were not the only colonizers. As a matter of fact, long before white people came here, the Mexican government committed genocide against the Apache tribes for generations. (Mexico Apache wars)
Every great civilization conquered peoples, and expanded its territory.
Do we see people in Italy crying about some long forgotten property that was taken from them by Roman legions? How about Greece, Persia, Mongolia?
I’m very proud of my European heritage. My American heritage. Not at all ashamed. And when we use terms like “culture burning” it only adds to the liberal confusion.
The natives have absolutely no idea what they’re doing regarding the dam.
It’s going to ruin peoples property and livelihoods, and what about that? When is it fair? How far are we going to have to “go back” to atone ?
The whole “dam” ordeal is just a petty “power move” by the tribes down river . Every “Ologist” or county official i talk to says the same thing, “they have no clue what’s going to happen”
How about this…. When the tribes pushed for opening the dam, they brought hot shot , WELL QUALIFIED lawyers to fight their case. Know what Siskiyou county used? They’re “county council”. I bet you can guess how THAT turned out.
Completely unfair to people with river front , or in iron gate…. Ridiculous.
Siskiyou county really such an amazing place the last of “real” NorCal
Publishers Note:
Authors’ words to me, that I think is important also.
I really wouldn’t mind having my option put out there, it’s just that I’m coming up for a pretty good job opportunity and worried about the optics of it if mentions my name.
That’s I guess part of the whole problem is people can’t say how they without fear of being labeled something they are not.
I actually would like to have an honest natural opinion out there (although I feel most people tend to agree only they won’t say so) so if there is any way you can keep my name out of it, than yes, please do. No shame in being proud of all our heritage’s (good and the bad) it’s only human nature.
There is a difference between being proud of one’s heritage and being indifferent to the history of atrocities committed by conquerers when it comes in the form of invasion, occupation and genocide.
It is better to focus on issues, including that the impact
on this change will be devastating and consequences are unknown, and the indigenous peoples are wanting something that was from a different time and ignores current needs. Interested parties litigate all the time. Let’s not make this about race, it doesn’t have a good look. For Tribes this is about their way of life and their history and culture. Please let’s not disrespect and rather keep focus on the issues.
You can be proud of your European “heritage” and not be a jerk about it.
For historical context, The Wanpanoag tribe helped your people survived when you first settled. Also, don’t forget that the Commanches were brutal and deadly in every aspect far more than the Apache. There’s a reason The Spanish, The Mexicans, nor the settlers or rangers couldn’t conquer the Comanche for decades and centuries. It finally took the development of the revolver and help of other tribes to dismantle them systematically: This is how you “won” and “conquered”.
We didn’t invite you to “conquer us”. You got what you wanted through lies and deceit. Put us on reservations, and still think our affairs are your problem? In my culture/tradition, we (meaning our people) belong to the earth and not the other way around. We are trying to heal and restore it.
It’s not that “we don’t know” what we are doing. I guess you missed the hint that it was none of your business anymore to begin with.