Valley Oaks Inc. (aka Valley (aks Seniors) our organization is currently in the process of raising funds through grant applications and fundraisers to raise enough funds to restore the Valley Oaks 120+-year-old building we own in Greenview. Our next fundraiser is Bingo on May 20th at the Greenview building.
In 1900, long-time Scott Valley resident Lauren Baldwin constructed a commercial building in the unincorporated area of Greenview, CA (pop. 208). Baldwin ran a general store there until 1935 when he gifted the building to American Legion Perry Harris Post #260. In June of 1985, the Legion gifted the building to a community organization Golden Oaks. In October of 1985, Golden Oaks gifted the building to our nonprofit now known as The Valley Oaks, Inc., and since 1985 it has remained under the same ownership.
The Valley Oaks was originally founded in 1982 as a informal community group. Two years later the members changed the name to Valley Oaks Inc (DBA Valley Oaks Seniors) and formed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit effective e 1985 and began operating the building as a community center. From 2016-2018 The Valley Oaks experienced a lapse in its nonprofit status due to challenges in board recruiting. The organization’s 501(c)(3) status was reinstated in 2019 and all IRS filings are current and available for inspection.
At the time of the final transfer of ownership in 1985, the greatest community need was support for seniors, so the founders established he nonprofit’s primary purpose as a senior services organization and named the building the Valley Oaks Senior Center.
Over time as the needs and opportunities arose, the Center grew into a fully functioning community center serving Scott Valley and surrounding communities. The Center provides recreational opportunities for everyone including workshops, fundraisers, game nights, private events, and local arts, crafts, and cultural experiences. Activities include AA meetings workshops, high school fundraisers, local polling, and a quilter’s group.
The Center also operated as a community food distribution center for Greenview which serves up to 61 households with fresh and nonperishable food available through the USDA Commodities program and a multi-jurisdiction Community Development Block Grant in association with Great Northern Services (distributor).
We estimate that up to 88% of Greenview households pickup free food at the Center. Our most recent challenge was the discontinuance of all activities and events and the resulting loss of revenue during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. WE quickly recovered from the financial challenges because we adapted our fundraising and programing to meet the needs of the community.
The Valley Oaks, Inc. goal is renovating our existing community center that currently provides recreational, nutritional, and civic services to the rural underserved community of Scott Valley. Once renovations are complete the Valley Oaks plans to expand the services offered to include and Clean Air Station, Cooling Center and Evacuation Center to all residents the Scott Valley community.
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