2.23.23 Siskiyou Newsletter

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Dr. Laura Foglia talking about on-farm groundwater recharge

A Cold Very Educational Day 1

Yesterday I attended the Scott Watershed Informational Forum (SWIF) field tours. I was only able to have one, but they had three of interest one of them being wood, augmentation for process, base restoration, and then the second one with multiple plot approaches to restoring Scott river, mining tailings, and third, which I attended was the soil health, water management and resource protection on the Scott watershed working lands.

What a wealth of information it will take me a little bit to compile the information and put it together in an article for you. This will be on going for sure to show some of the projects and works at are being done in Siskiyou. It was very interesting to learn, hear, and meet with the people and members of the Siskiyou Land Trust out on the Planks Ranch where we learned about different conservation measures in Conservancy, and how things work in the legal world. We also heard from the United States Department of Agriculture on soil sciences, talking about the different dynamic properties a lot about using bio char for restorative measures in our soil.

We then went and learned a lot about the water flows in the Scott, the ditches and measurement tools. What’s going on with the water adjudication far as water allotment and also with water requirements and restrictions?

Out at the Bryan Ranch, we learned about groundwater recharge, measurement instruments and studies being conducted. It is interesting how this Valley is a laboratory in many ways and the best part in my eyes is the local jobs created in helping protect and also restore.

Remember the helicopter flying the hoop around? More to come on this..

Then lastly we heard from Jefferson Resources on fire forest health. The efforts to bring resiliency back to the uplands of Scott Valley, was very interesting. I learned so much and that was only day one.

Today is the Forum.. Informational form at the Avery and tomorrow

Scott Watershed Informational Forum & Forest Health &Resiliency Summit


Have a wonderful day

Jay A. Martin

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