
Yreka To Open Its First Year-Round Homeless Shelter In June of 2024

The city of Yreka is set to open its first year-round homeless shelter, named Yreka Basecamp, by the end of June. Located at 1200 South Main Street next to Siskiyou County Social Services, this $2 million facility will offer 32 beds for adults and accommodate their pets. The shelter, operated by North Valley Catholic Social Services (NVCSS), aims to provide a comprehensive support system, including treatment for addiction and mental health challenges.

The facility will feature a 26-bed co-ed bunk room with a night monitor, a smaller room for six women, and lockups for guests’ belongings. It also includes an outdoor garden, an indoor hydroponics area for growing vegetables, and six chickens that residents can help care for. Dogs are welcome to stay with their owners, with both indoor and outdoor kennel options available.

The shelter will also house the Six Stones Wellness Center, offering 12-step programs and peer-to-peer support, although participation is not mandatory for overnight stays. The focus is on serving people well rather than limiting the number of guests.

Funding for Yreka Basecamp came from Proposition 47 grants, aimed at reducing prison populations by supporting programs for non-violent offenders, including those with drug issues. NVCSS will manage the shelter with four full-time and one part-time staff members, along with volunteers.

The need for a year-round shelter has become pressing as Siskiyou County’s homeless population has risen to 507 people in 2023 from 321 in 2022. The shelter’s opening is seen as a positive step in addressing homelessness and reducing blight in the area.

In addition to Yreka Basecamp, plans are underway for a year-round family shelter on Foothill Drive and transitional housing apartments on Sierra Vista Way. These initiatives aim to provide various housing options to meet different needs, from addiction and mental health support to assistance with obtaining necessary identification and employment.

For more information about Yreka Basecamp, visit nvcss.org/programs/basecamp.

The city of Yreka is set to open its first year-round homeless shelter, named Yreka Basecamp, by the end of June. Located at 1200 South Main Street next to Siskiyou County Social Services, this $2 million facility will offer 32 beds for adults and accommodate their pets. The shelter, operated by North Valley Catholic Social Services (NVCSS), aims to provide a comprehensive support system, including treatment for addiction and mental health challenges.

The facility will feature a 26-bed co-ed bunk room with a night monitor, a smaller room for six women, and lockups for guests’ belongings. It also includes an outdoor garden, an indoor hydroponics area for growing vegetables, and six chickens that residents can help care for. Dogs are welcome to stay with their owners, with both indoor and outdoor kennel options available.

The shelter will also house the Six Stones Wellness Center, offering 12-step programs and peer-to-peer support, although participation is not mandatory for overnight stays. The focus is on serving people well rather than limiting the number of guests.

Funding for Yreka Basecamp came from Proposition 47 grants, aimed at reducing prison populations by supporting programs for non-violent offenders, including those with drug issues. NVCSS will manage the shelter with four full-time and one part-time staff members, along with volunteers.

The need for a year-round shelter has become pressing as Siskiyou County’s homeless population has risen to 507 people in 2023 from 321 in 2022. The shelter’s opening is seen as a positive step in addressing homelessness and reducing blight in the area.

In addition to Yreka Basecamp, plans are underway for a year-round family shelter on Foothill Drive and transitional housing apartments on Sierra Vista Way. These initiatives aim to provide various housing options to meet different needs, from addiction and mental health support to assistance with obtaining necessary identification and employment.

For more information about Yreka Basecamp, visit nvcss.org/programs/basecamp.

The city of Yreka is set to open its first year-round homeless shelter, named Yreka Basecamp, by the end of June. Located at 1200 South Main Street next to Siskiyou County Social Services, this $2 million facility will offer 32 beds for adults and accommodate their pets. The shelter, operated by North Valley Catholic Social Services (NVCSS), aims to provide a comprehensive support system, including treatment for addiction and mental health challenges.

The facility will feature a 26-bed co-ed bunk room with a night monitor, a smaller room for six women, and lockups for guests’ belongings. It also includes an outdoor garden, an indoor hydroponics area for growing vegetables, and six chickens that residents can help care for. Dogs are welcome to stay with their owners, with both indoor and outdoor kennel options available.

The shelter will also house the Six Stones Wellness Center, offering 12-step programs and peer-to-peer support, although participation is not mandatory for overnight stays. The focus is on serving people well rather than limiting the number of guests.

Funding for Yreka Basecamp came from Proposition 47 grants, aimed at reducing prison populations by supporting programs for non-violent offenders, including those with drug issues. NVCSS will manage the shelter with four full-time and one part-time staff members, along with volunteers.

The need for a year-round shelter has become pressing as Siskiyou County’s homeless population has risen to 507 people in 2023 from 321 in 2022. The shelter’s opening is seen as a positive step in addressing homelessness and reducing blight in the area.

In addition to Yreka Basecamp, plans are underway for a year-round family shelter on Foothill Drive and transitional housing apartments on Sierra Vista Way. These initiatives aim to provide various housing options to meet different needs, from addiction and mental health support to assistance with obtaining necessary identification and employment.

For more information about Yreka Basecamp, visit nvcss.org/programs/basecamp.


  1. Must be nice to have these brand new facilities complete with gardens and chickens and accommodations for dogs. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay rent, mortgages, taxes, etc. Apparently in today’s society, it really pays to be a vagrant! No responsibilities… Just free handouts. Is this the new American dream?

    Is this $2 million facility with 32 beds even going to make a proverbial dent in the 500+ homeless population?

  2. The Native American


    You wrote:
    “Must be nice to have these brand new facilities complete with gardens and chickens and accommodations for dogs. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay rent, mortgages, taxes, etc. Apparently in today’s society, it really pays to be a vagrant! No responsibilities… Just free handouts. Is this the new American dream?”

    In response to “free handouts” (albeit a redundant word if you ask me), the collapse of modern civilization rests on the so called “fiscally” responsible party. Ask yourself, how is:

    1. Corporate Tax Breaks Not a “Free Handout”?
    2. Corporate Welfare, at tax payers, Not a “Free Handout”?
    3. PPP (Paycheck Protection Programs) to the businesses Not a “Free Handout”?
    4. Bank/Company Bail Outs Not a “Free Handout”?
    5. Deregulation Policies Not a “Free Handout”?

    Don’t give me the whole “trickle down” non-sense in addition to “work hard if you want to achieve blah blah blah”. In case you haven’t noticed, people are trying and have tried and guess what? They are getting pushed down, thus having the situation our towns/cities experience: Homelessness. This is a case of EVERYONE LOSES because of crime, drug, diseases, and the like. When people suffer, our communities, and humanity suffers as well. It’s a no win situation for anyone really. So what can you do? Do you honestly think $2 million would be better spent elsewhere? Right, let’s give that to the rich/wealthy because they certainly need it more! /s.

    Everything you’re raging about (rent, mortgages, taxes), ask yourself how long can you keep that up before it’s your turn? Will you be able to afford medical care/costs should anything happen to you or a loved one? I am guessing even if you did, not for very long.

    If you want to blame someone, blame the prior administration for exploiting the budget, and leaving you with inflation. The current administration is trying to clean that mess up with not much help/support from the other side.

    Why do Conservatives/Republicans continue to vote against their own interests is baffling to say the least. Oh that’s right! The boogeyman “illegals/immigrants/border jumpers and all” are a threat to your “lively hood”. But let’s continue funding crony capitalism because that certainly worked! /s.

    PS. Almost forgot, how is that energy climate credit you get every April/Oct from Pacific Corp Not a “Free Handout” again? Call it whatever you want, but you certainly took it (or your family) without hesitation! Let’s not forget the potential discounts on your bill that have nothing to do with the energy companies themselves. Remember, these are “Progressive/Liberal/Democrat” policies to save the environment and encourage people to conserve!

    You’re welcome!

    • Trump 2024

      These so called “investments” get passed onto those of us who are responsible and do pay taxes.

      The County has already entered into a grant program to provide portable showers and laundry services for the homeless. Is this a FREE handout?

      We are assessed a fee on our power bill for taking out the dams and have been for years. When the dams are all out your power rates are going to explode. The Governor has already factored that into his budget!

      Sounds to me your part of the problem, not part of the solution. If you are part of the population that is affected by the Homeless situation, etc. than consider yourself lucky that resources will be available to you at my expense however.


  3. The Native American

    To Trump 2024

    I think you are conflating something here: Agreements/reparations to displaced communities (people that were pushed against their will by said government) vs poverty fueled corporations and their voters. Ask yourself, who really benefited in the end?

    I would like to be clear that I am strictly writing/commenting/representing on my own behalf and kindly remind commenters that WE AREN’T A MONOLITH! Your inherent premise that “WE ARE ONE AND THE SAME” because of (X, Y or Z) is disturbing, and odd but okay…I say this because I didn’t receive such “handout” at all to begin with and in no way I am benefiting from that at all! But if they got it then good and if they welcome the reparations/help then great! Everyone deserves better care, infrastructure, and access to services just like the homeless, myself and you! This is why I think Yreka needs to do more for their displaced population, and 2 million is chump change and in no way, a “handout”.

    If you want to talk about ecological issues, I mean sure. But I don’t think you’re informed as well as you think you are. About the dams being taken out (offline), have you actually read the reports? The company itself made the official statement to shutdown/dismantle them because they only added <5% power to the grid, so taking taking down those dams would have made NO DIFFERENCE to their electrical grid! Not substantial enough as far as costs (KWH) goes! This means your electric/power bill will be unaffected for the most part, unless they themselves decide to get greedy and all and tack on administrative costs for no reason, so your argument really falls short here. Again, this is not ME saying this! This was in the report and the company agreed to dismantle them because they were INEFFICIENT to begin with (meaning it costed them more to produce that small amount of power to the grid!). Research and google it, for your own sake!

    Me part of the problem? Huh! I never thought my mere existence caused such an inconvenience to a stranger…ahhh okay, so it's not much as my existence, but the cost of my existence!! Gotcha! You still hate/despise "handouts", "freeloaders" and the like because you're "ideals" and "political affiliations" have always been "fiscally responsible" ones even though historically the opposing administrations were the ones always left with the clean up!

    Let's go Brandon? Weird. My name isn't Brandon, but thanks for your cheer/support! However, I think Trump needs it more given than now he's a felon and the U.S. was saved by a porn star? Yeah, we are a spectacle to the world! How about that? Fun fun fun!

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