Siskiyou, South County, Yreka

#McKinneyFire Law Town Hall Meeting

The McKinney Fire lawyers from Robins Cloud LLP are holding a Town Hall Meeting at the Best Western Miner’s Inn, on Friday, August 19th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in Yreka.

Come learn about the investigation into Pacific Power’s role in causing this devastating fire and what could have been done to prevent it. Get free help, advice, and assistance in obtaining emergency resources and navigating insurance claims.

If you evacuated or were impacted by the McKinney Fire, don't miss this unique opportunity to meet and talk with veteran Fire Attorney Amanda LoCurto on Friday, August 19th at the Best Western Miners Inn at 5:30pm or call the California Offices of Robins Cloud LLP at 1-800-691-2363 for more assistance.


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